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Japanese Flower Arrangement Class

Ohararyu Ikebana style Japanese flower arrangement class

  • 2 hours
  • 45 British pounds
  • Floriental Studio

Activity Overview

About Ohara lkebana Japanese flower arrangement: The Ohara School of Ikebana is one of the three major Ikebana schools in Japan. Ohara Ikebana is among the most popular methods of arranging flowers in the Japanese style. It possesses a unique character due to its deep respect for nature, which is evident in the materials used and the style of arrangement, reflecting the inherent characteristics of each branch, leaf, or flower utilized. With roots tracing back to the Meiji period in Japan, we have inherited a rich artistic tradition, and Ohara Ikebana continues its efforts to promote it globally. In 2024, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the England Chapter, and we eagerly invite more participants to join us, sharing our passion for this enchanting art form. Together, we can revel in the creation of exquisite floral masterpieces! The art of flower arrangement is a comprehensive discipline, encompassing not only the study of plant materials but also the exploration of three-dimensional space, color theory, sculptural art, and other aspects, reflecting one's artistic cultivation and cultural heritage. Ohara School is one of the three major ikebana schools in Japan and is currently experiencing rapid development in China. Compared to the Ikenobo and Sogetsu School, the Ikebana flower arrangement has characteristics that are closer to traditional Chinese culture, and its distinctive features captivate viewers at first sight. What is included in the workshop: 1. Thorough knowledge introduction of Ohara Ikebana flower arrangement 2. All the tools you will need 3. Fresh seasonal flowers (please bring a plastic bag to bring your flowers home!) 4. Explanation of floral diagrams 5. Demonstration of Ohara Ikebana flower arrangement 6. Step-by-step tutorial, guidance, and revision 7. Photoshoot with your flower arrangement! About the tutor - Joyce Feng: Joyce is qualified as a senior professor in Ohara Ikebana flower arrangement. She has been working in the florist education industry for many years. She is dedicated to promoting oriental aesthetics by designing different flower arrangements and teaching Ikebana florist courses.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please email us at We apologise that we currently do not have an accessible entrance for those in need, so if you require this, please contact us before booking. Thank you.

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